Tuesday, December 9, 2014

how many hours should you sleep in a day if you are very busy with your job?

Why do each of human need to sleep? If you don't sleep, what's happen? what benefits does sleeping have for your life? can someone answer this question?  you will able to understand by yourself when you can't sleep how difficult for you.
He is very busy with his job until he sleep on the laptop

Sometimes, you can't sleep because you are trying to think many things until you can headache or stress when you try to think about these things especially what you are thinking it is difficult to do it when you do not just get result so you will worry and try do them until you did it already or you did something wrong and you don't just solve it when you solved it already, just you can calm down and sleep well. You should think to your health if you don't sleep, your health will be down and can ill else so your job will have problem because you are sent to hospital to treat however you should sleep at least a few hours in a day although you are very very busy because sleeping is a important part of your life if you sleep many hours maybe 8 hours per day so your health will be better and your feeling will also when your feeling and health is better, your job will be better also because you have fresh feeling and you thought is rich so your job or business will be great.

All you should understand that each people require to sleep at least 8 hours, just good health. But now some people can sleep 5 or 6 hours in a day because they are busy in their business. Some people fear sleeping because they always dream nightmare\while they are sleeping especially it maybe is related to their relative, job, business or other things because they fear when wake up it will happen so they will not able be sleep. If you want to sleep well however you are very busy, you can follow some method to help you sleeping as many hours, you should count number from 1 to 1000 or read book story when you can't sleep so you will sleep well because you will be sleeping meanwhile you are doing. Alternately, you can do exercise after that you will be tired and you would like to relax so you can sleep well because you do exercise at night, you will not go anywhere else so you maybe sleep long time until 8 hours or over. It is up to you if you want to sleep well, you should choose any method like above or other because health is very important for each human so although you are very very busy, you should think to your health also.

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