Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Some people live in countryside almost never take a shower in the restroom

Taking a shower in the restroom, it is very popular for people live in city but at the countryside almost don't have taking a shower but they can take a bath through near a well, in toilet, near jar of water, neighbor's well, lake, pond and other.

Take a shower

Because some people don't have ability to make a well or toilet as owned so they always take a bath at the opened place not be closed. They usually use towel or scarf to wear while they are taking a bath so other people can see their activity of taking a bath, it is not like some people live in city they always take a shower in the toilet or restroom and most of them usually don't wear towel or scarf while they are taking a bath but they take a bath in closed room so it has no problem but we can't say that all of people live in countryside have no toilet. There are a small amount of people has ability to make owned well and toilet because they do farm or field or feed animals to support their life so they have some money to create it but it is not many that they can do it. Now a day, there are amount of organization go down to go helping for poorest people that they no have ability to make well or toilet but organization's budget has limit to pay in each project to develop in any area so they can't help all poor people for their budget.

For government, introduce people knowing about how to build a toilet by paying a little money via other activities such as they broadcast via Radio, TV, Newspaper and other to countryside people also. Alternately, for people live in countryside, most of people are using a well or toilet together until a few or many families to use only one well or toilet so people live at countryside rarely take a shower in the restroom. Alternately, even the restroom some people don't know, they know toilet or WC only. They like take a bath near a well or taking a bath in a pond, small river, lake so much because it is their habit that they live everyday at countryside. But they can live happily although they don't have an owned well or toilet because they know to share and help each other in any urgent and another things they have good kind and honest.


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